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27 Junio 2013
Hi Everyone,

Time for this week's update! On the last update we reported to you guys that the initial batch of 5,000 Meteor Units are already underway to our Distribution Facilities in the United States. Currently, this vessel is en route to our US warehouses and is expected to arrive there sometime between the 30th of June or the 1st of July. Once our distribution facilities receive the inventory, we will waste no time and immediately start fulfilling the orders we have allocated the 5,000 units to. Please note that this batch is going to be composed exclusively of Indiegogo backers.

We published a list of people who are going to be part of the first batch here:

We're also expecting to have our suppliers deliver the remaining speaker components this week. Once these components are delivered to us, Our manufacturing partners are able to fire up their lines to churn out the rest of the Meteors. It's only going to take 7-10 days to complete the production and we're aiming to have the final batch on a vessel to our US warehouses hopefully by the end of June. We would then start fulfilling the rest of the pre-orders and be able to readily fulfill orders through our Web store.

Another piece of great news we'd like to share is that our FCC certification is now reflected in the FCC database. You can find more details about our FCC certification here here:

Lastly, a lot of you have been asking about the WP8 compatibility and the progress we've made on the app. We're applying some final touches to the Windows Phone app (and crushing some tiny bugs) but we'd like to take this opportunity to show some screenshots of the Kreyos app on a Windows Phone. We're using a Nokia Lumia on this one. In the photos below, you'll see some of the UI of the login as well as the progress and activity screens.





That's all for now! We've got more updates next week, so stay tuned! And, as always, if you've got any questions be sure to hit us up with an email at

Best Regards,

The Kreyos Team

Irene Aramendía (@Irarle)
venga que ya le queda menos!! :smile:


12 Agosto 2013
Hey guys!

We're excited to announce that the remaining batch of speakers has arrived in our factory a couple of days ago and our assembly line has been firing on all cylinders to make sure we churn out the last batch of Meteors for distribution.

If you recall, the speakers were the last remaining component of the Meteor we were waiting on to complete our production run. Due to several rather unfortunate circumstances (read about our blog post that provides more detail on the Typhoon that devastated the Chinese provinces where our manufacturing partners' factories are located here), our suppliers were only able to deliver 5,000 speakers which we used to complete the first 5,000 units that comprise the first batch. The first batch of Meteors, as previously stated, will be allocated to our early Indiegogo backers. This batch is currently underway by vessel to our distribution facilities in the US. We will post an updated schedule and ETA as soon as the initial inventory hits our distribution facilities and everything is finalized with our partner couriers who will do the "last mile" distribution to your doorsteps.

You can check out pictures of our assembly line humming nicely on the next update (we reached our character limit on this post)

We expect the team to take no longer than 10 days to complete the production run for the remaining units. As soon as the Meteors are churned out, we will waste no time in forwarding them to our distribution facilities from where they can be shipped out individually to the remaining backers who aren't included in the first batch and to the rest of our customers who have pre-ordered the Meteor.

Another great piece of news we wanted to share is that we have reached an agreement with a separate logistics company who are able to ship orders from a distribution facility in Singapore to the US and the rest of the world. Considering the geographical proximity of Singapore to China, we are expecting to shave off around 30 days from the time it would've taken the remaining inventory to reach our distribution center in the US and shipping the orders to our customers from there.

Irene Aramendia (@Irarle)
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Reacciones: Poseidon


12 Agosto 2013

As mentioned, the 1st batch of Meteors is still in the ocean so the plan is, IF the 2nd batch arrives in Singapore before the cargo already underway arrives in our US distribution facility, we will immediately begin shipping from there--still making sure that we ship orders in the chronology in which we received them. We will be shipping out a 2nd batch early next week and a 3rd batch at the end of the month.

In light of this new logistics arrangement, We anticipate that all backers and customers who have pre-ordered the Meteor will receive their orders early August at the latest but we are optimistic in fulfilling all customer orders within July-- a full 30 days earlier than what it would've taken had we shipped the subsequent batch to our US facilities similar to the first batch of Meteors that are underway.

However, In the interest of transparency, we want to make you aware of a possible hitch for the first batch of Meteors we sent underway to the US might encounter: We learned that there might be a possible shipping disruption due to west coast longshoremen contract negotiations. You can read about that development here for more more information. Please note This only affects the first 5,000 Meteors we already have underway and, as stated, THIS DOES NOT AFFECT OUR DELIVERY ESTIMATES as we will ship orders to early backers whom we allotted the first 5,000 Meteors to from Singapore in the event that the longshoremen contract negotiations do affect our US-bound shipment.

Everything else is going smoothly. The team will now shift its focus on polishing up the features included in the first version of the Kreyos companion mobile applications as they are integral components in making sure that you get the most out value and utility from your experience using the Kreyos Meteor.

We would like to thank everyone for your patience and for sticking with us throughout the project. We're finally here.

Best Regards,
The Kreyos Team





















Irene Aramendia (@Irarle)
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Reacciones: Poseidon y Breixo


12 Agosto 2013
We just wanted to post a quick status update on how we're doing as far as manufacturing and fulfilling your pre-orders would go.

Our production facilities are pretty much done with assembling the entire batch of Meteors. The number of units and accessories manufactured on this run will be be sufficient to fulfill all of our backers' orders and pre-orders and have enough inventory left over to ship orders captured through our E-Commerce site and select retail partners.

We have started to send containers to our distribution partner over in Singapore (Check out the pictures of the process below!) and expect them to receive the initial inventory a few days from now. The remaining units in the factory are currently being tested, packaged and palletized and will be sent out as a subsequent batch next week.

As mentioned on our previous update, our priority is to fulfill the orders of early backers who are included in the list we sent out a couple of updates ago. For reference, here's the list:

We're still in talks with our distribution partner in Singapore, but our current estimates peg the shipping date for orders allocated to our early backers included in the list we published to be within July.








We are optimistic that we can send out the rest of our Indiegogo orders along with all the pre-orders we received within the latter weeks of July to early August.

The US-bound inventory, as predicted, will be affected by the West Coast Longshorement contract negotiations (You can read about it here: but note that THIS WILL NOT AFFECT DELIVERY ESTIMATES FOR BACKERS AND CUSTOMERS WHO PRE-ORDERED as we are sending your packages from Singapore. The US-bound inventory will simply be allocated to future E-commerce or retail purchases.

We are thrilled to be finally at this point and hope that this is one of the last updates we'll post as it relates to shipping. Once all the orders are shipped out, the fun part of listening to what you guys think about the Meteor, collecting feature requests and running new firmware and mobile application versions by you guys begins. We have our community to thank for whatever success we enjoy today and we promise to remain a "community-first" company and be better at listening and communicating with you guys moving forward.

Lastly, a lot of you have been requesting for a video of our WP8 application. The dust finally settled enough around our HQ for us to be able to shoot and upload the long overdue video below:
The WP8 app in the video above along with our Android and iOS apps will be available in their respective stores (for free of course) before you receive your Meteors. We're just doing a few minor changes and making sure that you get the most updated versions when you first download them.

Thanks and best regards,

The Kreyos Team

Irene Aramendia (@Irarle)
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Reacciones: Breixo