We just wanted to post a quick status update on how we're doing as far as manufacturing and fulfilling your pre-orders would go.
Our production facilities are pretty much done with assembling the entire batch of Meteors. The number of units and accessories manufactured on this run will be be sufficient to fulfill all of our backers' orders and pre-orders and have enough inventory left over to ship orders captured through our E-Commerce site and select retail partners.
We have started to send containers to our distribution partner over in Singapore (Check out the pictures of the process below!) and expect them to receive the initial inventory a few days from now. The remaining units in the factory are currently being tested, packaged and palletized and will be sent out as a subsequent batch next week.
As mentioned on our previous update, our priority is to fulfill the orders of early backers who are included in the list we sent out a couple of updates ago. For reference, here's the list: tinyurl.com/5klistkreyos.
We're still in talks with our distribution partner in Singapore, but our current estimates peg the shipping date for orders allocated to our early backers included in the list we published to be within July.
We are optimistic that we can send out the rest of our Indiegogo orders along with all the pre-orders we received within the latter weeks of July to early August.
The US-bound inventory, as predicted, will be affected by the West Coast Longshorement contract negotiations (You can read about it here:
http://gwlcorp.com/gwlcorp/possible-shipping-di...) but note that THIS WILL NOT AFFECT DELIVERY ESTIMATES FOR BACKERS AND CUSTOMERS WHO PRE-ORDERED as we are sending your packages from Singapore. The US-bound inventory will simply be allocated to future E-commerce or retail purchases.
We are thrilled to be finally at this point and hope that this is one of the last updates we'll post as it relates to shipping. Once all the orders are shipped out, the fun part of listening to what you guys think about the Meteor, collecting feature requests and running new firmware and mobile application versions by you guys begins. We have our community to thank for whatever success we enjoy today and we promise to remain a "community-first" company and be better at listening and communicating with you guys moving forward.
Lastly, a lot of you have been requesting for a video of our WP8 application. The dust finally settled enough around our HQ for us to be able to shoot and upload the long overdue video below:
The WP8 app in the video above along with our Android and iOS apps will be available in their respective stores (for free of course) before you receive your Meteors. We're just doing a few minor changes and making sure that you get the most updated versions when you first download them.
Thanks and best regards,
The Kreyos Team
Irene Aramendia (