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31 Julio 2013
Esta mañana, y tras varios (3) correos con el soporte de Kreyos, he recibido ya el reembolso del dinero. Al igual que @Breixo no he perdido nada con la devolucion, ya que pagué en $, tal vez algo de diferencia al convertirlo a Euros por aquello de las fluctuaciones, pero poca cosa.
Me da rabia porque igual empiezan a mandarlos justo despues de que me lo devuelvan, pero es que con semejante retraso en la fabricacion...creo que ya van a salir varios que igualen o mejoren las prestaciones del Kreyos, y si encuentro alguno que me satisfaga ya lo compraré cuando sepa que el envio es inmediato.
De todas formas seguiré por aqui, que con el Pebble tambien tengo faena :smile:

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Reacciones: krayon y ferrero


12 Agosto 2013
Hey Everyone,

Over the last couple of updates, we gave details on the components that we'll be using to put together your Meteors and gave you a high-level update on our plans related to our initial manufacturing run.

A couple of updates before that, we detailed our plan to fix the mic and speaker-related issues that prompted us to make the difficult decision to push our target shipping date back.

Part of the aforementioned fix, aside from modifying how the mic and speaker are going to be laid out within the Meteor's enclosure was ordering a new and improved speaker component which, along with the structural modifications we made to the internal layout of the watch, will give users a solid boost as far as sound quality, clarity and volume would go. The speakers are, in fact, the final piece of the puzzle and our supplier has committed to delivering these components between the end of the month at the earliest and the first week of May at the latest.

In light of the unforeseen delay in the delivery of the new speaker components, it is with a heavy heart that we are announcing that we are moving our target shipping date to sometime between the 15th and the 20th of May.

Announcements like this are never easy to make and we honestly share everyone's disappointment in not being able to ship this month. However, we firmly believe that this is the only right thing to do and the entire team remains confident that once we do ship, with ongoing, parallel developments to our mobile and web applications you are going to receive a superior product and still come away with the best-in-class health and fitness smartwatch in the market.

At the risk of downplaying this delay announcement, we want to assure you that this is a very minor setback. We've already booked and finalized our slot with our manufacturing partners and, as soon as the new speakers arrive, it will take them no longer than 10-14 days to deliver the initial batch of Meteors. We intend to ship the Meteors out to you as soon as the production facility churns them out, tests them and packs them.

Again, we apologize for this setback but, at the same time, are very appreciative of everyone's continued support. Our journey has been longer than what we originally imagined and intended but we truly are at the homestretch.

You've already waited this long and stood with us as we carried this project. We're hoping that you'll wait a little bit more. Thank you for your support!

Best Regards,

The Kreyos Team

Irene Aramendia (@Irarle)
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Reacciones: Breixo y Starke


25 Junio 2013
Esta mañana, y tras varios (3) correos con el soporte de Kreyos, he recibido ya el reembolso del dinero. Al igual que @Breixo no he perdido nada con la devolucion, ya que pagué en $, tal vez algo de diferencia al convertirlo a Euros por aquello de las fluctuaciones, pero poca cosa.
Me da rabia porque igual empiezan a mandarlos justo despues de que me lo devuelvan, pero es que con semejante retraso en la fabricacion...creo que ya van a salir varios que igualen o mejoren las prestaciones del Kreyos, y si encuentro alguno que me satisfaga ya lo compraré cuando sepa que el envio es inmediato.
De todas formas seguiré por aqui, que con el Pebble tambien tengo faena :smile:

Ahora que está tan cerca. Será este el último retraso??